I had no real plan, just that I was going to ride my bike and smile and ride my bike and smile until I saw that 50 miles on my watch. I parked at the Cady substation, filled up my snacks and water and off I went! I decided to head to Adam’s camp first. The terrain is a little more tiring so I figured if I could do the bulk of it over there, I will finish up in Cady hill.
I go the back way through Strawberry Farm. Across the highschool to pipeline. I see my bud Billy. We chat and laugh - only a few people knew what was going on today so I could just play it off- then I run into this dear friend of mine who recently moved back from California and she knew some of what was going on. She was out on her daily 15 mile woods run getting ready for the Catamount Ultra 50k. We are so excited to see each other shes Pumped I’m trying to get my 50 in and she looks at me and says any news from the docs yet on the biopsy. As we held our gaze tears just started to flow down. Oh Mich, I’m here for you- we got this. We hug and cry and as soon as the emotions came, they left. I was on a mission! Today is about my biking mission. I get another 15 miles in and realize that my Pre-Op phone call is in 15 minutes. I hightail it back to the Trapps Kaffeehaus for a fuel up and phone call - zooming by Billy again. He yells, “All the way, what the heck are you doing today!” I yell out, “I’m going for 50 miles but I have a meeting in 10!“ “You got it Lemay!” And we both start laughing.
I forgot to mention that the weather may have been the most perfect weather possible to spend the whole day out riding. 72 degrees, sunny, light breeze. sipping a dark roast coffee, eating an almond horn, soaking up the sun. It couldn’t get better. I am very comfortable with surgery, I’m a regular. The Pre-op nurse calls and we go through all the regular questions. As she gets to the don’t eat, don’t drink portion she says you can have clear liquids, black tea and black coffee. Coffee, I yell!! That’s huge!! We both start laughing. As long as I can have some black coffee in the am I can do anything!
I head back out- I’ve got some miles to ride!! I go around the lower Trapps trails, then I head back into Adam’s camp. I do the whole Adam’s camp lap - it’s about 8 miles. I run into a friend on the way down. She’s so psyched to hear I’m doing my 50 and I so badly wanted to share what’s was going on. It was like I had this huge weird secret. She was with another one of her friends so it wasn’t the right timing- and plus no reason to bring the vibe down~ we were all psyched and they wish me well on my venture. Around I go back up cheddar for the 3rd time today. Then to one of my favourite mindful meditation spots- the Trapps cabin. I get up there- I’m all alone. I sit on my favorite bench in the sun. Legs stretched out~ sun on my face~ I breath ~ spend a few minutes in meditation and gratitude for this day, this moment. Pure bliss. I have had so many beautiful mindful moments in this spot. So many beautiful conversations with dear friends in this spot. Adam’s camp area/XC center/Mansfield forest is my home away from home. I feel the most connected, clear and grounded in this environment. I have done a majority of my personal & spiritual healing here and I will continue too as I venture in to this next journey. It’s my zone.
I head down the Trapps trails to mix it up- I love these trails but they are tight, full of roots and rocks. All fun but more tiring than the more manicured trails. I fill water at the outdoor center and I am at mile 34. Time to head back to Cady Hill. I get back to the van. My tire is low so I pump it up fill up water and snacks. Its about 4pm and I have 12 miles to go. I am pretty tired. Igor calls. “Mich you have been out since 8:30am- you are good ~ don’t torture yourself.“ “Dude there is NO way I am not accomplishing this goal. NO way! I’ll order Ranch Camp and bring it home for dinner I’m guessing it will match up to the right timing with Hugo’s baseball finishing up.” I eat a handful of Jelly Belly’s and off I go.
I get some of my standard laps in Cady. The last five miles I will not lie- I was hurting. It honestly wasn’t the legs as much as my bum!!! I could not sit on the seat without being in serious pain. I just tried to stay high in the trail to reduce too much climbing and looped the more mellow terrain. 48, 49… than I knew I was in the clear to finish up with a Flo and back to the van. I was kind of out of it… just take your time, don’t fall, you got this Lemay. You got all of this Lemay.
I wish I could bottle up that feeling of accomplishment and endorphin high and save it for a rainy day because it’s amazing! It’s us adrenaline junkie, exercise junkies pinnacle of joy. I got in my mindful mobile, ripped off my bike shorts put on some fresh duds, chugged water and just sat. I sat in it. It was glorious. I knew at that moment that I will take this disease on like I take on every other challenge of my life- head on. I will share, I will work to be vulnerable and strong at the same time so someone else can hopefully learn something and gain something and this is not a collective growth opportunity passed by.
Let’s do this! 💪🏻🙏🏻❤️
